
By the end of this session, players will be able to:

  •   Discuss and respect personal boundaries around intimate and sexual activities to create healthy, safe relationships and situations.
  •   Refuse to use pressure, threats, or force in any physical encounter.
  •   Actively oppose and prevent incidents of rape, coercion, and assault.

Talking Points for the Session

  • Ask and listen to what the other person wants. If anyone feels unsure or uncomfortable, show respect and stop the situation.
  • Consent for one intimate activity, like kissing, doesn’t mean consent for another sexual activity.
  • Someone who has been drinking or using drugs has diminished their ability to give and to hear consent.
  • Allegations of rape are extremely serious and can involve an investigation by law enforcement.
  • Think about what you are consenting to as well. Make sure you are comfortable and are aware of what you want and what you’re doing.
  • There can be consequences on your career, simply by putting yourself in questionable situations.
  • People may treat you differently because of the exposure your career brings. Be cautious.
  • When making decisions, think long-term “Is this going to serve me in the long run?”

Discussion Questions

(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  •   How do you define consent?
  •   How do you determine consent?
  •   What are different ways a person could pressure someone else to do something they don’t want to do?
  •   Does consent for one sexual activity such as kissing mean consent for another sexual activity?
  •   How do you differentiate between someone being nice and an actual sexual invitation?
  •   What is sexual assault or rape?

Scenario Activity

(have a player read aloud)

You are attending a party with your friends to celebrate a recent win. You have been dancing and drinking, and you have been eyeing and flirting with someone you have just met. You decide to invite them back to your place for an after party with your friends. They agree to join you.  At your place, you both continue drinking and getting closer. You move to the hot tub together and begin to kiss, although they seems hesitant to take it further. You tell them you like how they play “hard to get”, and you continue to try to engage them sexually, but they continue to move away.

Debrief: (you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  • What do you do next? Why?
  • What do you think is going on for them? How do you find out?
  • Have you had a similar situation? How did you handle it?

Wrap up and Takeaways

  •   Consent is everywhere. Make sure you know what you and the other person is consenting to.
  •   Rape is a serious crime.
  •   Talking openly about desires and concerns will help you and your partner feel comfortable.
  •   Respecting other’s choices and boundaries is key.

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