
By the end of this session, players will be able to:

  •   Understand expectations for these weekly conversations.
  •   Define respect, for themselves and for others.
  •   Begin conversations about healthy relationships.

Talking Points for the Session

  • True respect involves everything you do – how to speak, how you listen, how you act, how you think, and the way you present yourself to others.
  • Respect is the foundation of any healthy relationship, including friendships and family relationships, but especially in romantic or intimate relationships.
  • Respectful behavior means treating others how they wanted to be treated. You’re not going to get along with everyone, but that is never an excuse to physically or verbally harass someone.
  • By showing respect towards women and girls – in your language and actions – you’re not only doing the right thing, you’re also setting an example for others.
  • You are all part of something positive on this team. Your commitment to respectful relationships is also a responsibility – defend it and share it.
  • If you witness one of your teammates using inappropriate language or behavior or being disrespectful to someone, don’t join in on it. Walk away or call it out – talk to him directly about why that was not ok.

Discussion Questions

Create groups of 5 or 7 players. Have them answer the questions in their groups. Then players pick someone in the team to report back an answer by tossing the ball.

  •   What does respect mean to you? How do you show respect?
  •   Is there an instance you’ve felt disrespected? What did that look like?
  •   What role does respect play in relationships?
  •   Describe a healthy relationship or mention one you may know of – what makes you think it is healthy?
  •   How does respect play a role in your career, with teammates, fans and staff around you?
  •   When do you feel it is necessary for you to call someone out?

Wrap up and Takeaways

  •   Your actions are a reflection of this team. This is your responsibility to defend, share and lead through example.
  •   It is ok to call someone out when they are engaging in disrespectful behavior.
  •   Everyone deserves respect – regardless of sex, race, sexuality, social status, religion, etc.
  •   Remember that respect is going to be at the center of our conversations for the next 12 weeks. When in doubt, always treat others with respect.


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