
By the end of this session players will be able to:

  •   Define accountability.
  •   Recognize the consequences of their behavior and how language and conduct reflect on themselves, the team, and others.
  •   Accept responsibility and hold themselves accountable for their actions.
  •   Recognize they have a responsibility to listen and believe the experiences of others and survivors of violence.

Talking Points for the Session

  •   We know many people judge your accomplishments on the field. But the decisions you make off the field are just as important as what you do on the field.
  •   Remember that there are a number of people who are rooting for you and looking up to you. Be a leader that promotes respect for all.
  •   Remember that you are the person responsible and accountable for the choices you make (in sports and in everyday life).
  •   You are capable of holding others on the team accountable in a respectful way.
  •   You can be a leader that promotes respect for everyone and others will respect you for it.


This is a full group activity. Choose a player to read each scenario aloud. After they read the scenario, ask them to answer the following question: Are you responsible for the consequences of this scenario or not? Respond yes or no and explain why.

  • You were hanging out with your cousin at a bar and you had too many drinks. You figured you’d be fine to drive the 10 minutes to your house. You didn’t notice that you were speeding and swerving, and were pulled over. You were arrested and charged with a DUI. Because of the DUI you are now also facing consequences with the Giants.
    • Are you responsible for the consequences? Why or why not?
  • Your high school friend told you about this awesome investment opportunity – without much research you trust your friend and invest a large amount. A few months later you find out that the company you invested in was a scam and all of your money has been lost. This investment was your savings to buy a house for your family.
    • Are you responsible for the consequences? Why or why not?
  • You’re out with your girlfriend and you get into a heated argument. Someone recognizes you and starts to film the argument and posts it on social media where one of the local beat writers and members of the Giants see it. As a result of this incident there are consequences from the Giants.
    • Are you responsible for the consequences? Why or why not?
  • You are at home watching a movie, and you think that the actress that is playing a superhero looks slutty. Without thinking, you reach for your phone and start tweeting lewd comments about the actress. The Giants and MLB hear about the social media storm and are upset with a promise of coming consequences.
    • Are you responsible for the consequences? Why or why not?
  • You get into an Uber to avoid driving drunk after a night out, on your way home a car crashes into you. It turns out the driver was drinking. Your injuries are extensive, forcing you to miss the rest of the season while you recover.
    • Are you responsible for the consequences? Why or why not?
  • You spent the night drinking and got home late even though you have to wake up early for training. You arrived at training hung over and you weren’t able to train to the best of your ability. One of your coaches notices that you were not pushing yourself that day and decides there should be consequences.
    • Are you responsible for the consequences? Why or why not

Discussion Questions

(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  •   What is accountability?
  •   What are some ways you can hold each other accountable for our actions?
  •   In which ways, if any, do you think your actions affect the organization and your community?

Scenario Activity

Scenario: (have a player read aloud)

Kevin was a star pitcher for your team, and after a win you and a group of other teammates decide to go out for a few drinks. At the bar Kevin meets a woman named Alejandra, and they begin dating. The relationship becomes more serious over the next few months, and you ask Kevin if this is the “real deal” but Kevin tells you that he’s still playing the field. One night while out with your teammates including Kevin, Kevin starts flirting and hooking up with another woman. Alejandra shows up and is upset with Kevin for hooking up with another woman, and to avoid attention Kevin pulls Alejandra outside. Once outside Kevin and Alejandra get into a loud argument and Kevin pushes Alejandra to the ground and hits her telling her to mind her own business and that he does not belong to her. During this altercation there are several people filming Kevin hitting and pushing Alejandra on their phones and posting it online. Someone calls the police and Kevin is arrested. After this Kevin faces severe consequences from MLB and the Giants. Kevin’s reputation and career are completely destroyed after this.

Debrief: (you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  • What do you think about Kevin’s actions?
  • What would you have done differently?
  • Can you think of some players whose careers were undone because of a similar situations?
  • What kind of Legacy would you like to have?

Wrap up and Takeaways

  •   There are real consequences when we disrespect others.
  •   Are you surrounding yourself with people and relationships that build you into a better man and athlete?
  •   Are you building towards your legacy?
  •   You are accountable for treating everyone with respect.

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