
By the end of this session, players will be able to:

  •     Treat others how they want to be treated.
  •     Model respectful behavior towards women and girls, and everyone in their language and actions (e.g. refuse to laugh at or support disrespectful jokes).
  •     Notice and support teammates’ or friends’ respectful behavior.

Talking Points for the Session:

For the scenario

  • As a professional athlete in the national spotlight, Benjamin’s favorite pitcher is a role model to many fans, including young men that can be influenced by his behavior.
  • Benjamin is both disappointed and protective of his favorite player, indicating that the outcome of this incident can be a powerful influence on his perceptions of what is acceptable behavior toward women and girls.
  • Talk to Benjamin about your feelings about violence against women and why there’s no excuse for abuse.
  • Point out that there are other professional players that have taken a stand against violence and/or are respectful, upstanding men.
  • Sometimes people use their strength to overpower others to prove their manhood or authority, but that this type of behavior is NEVER acceptable.

Scenario Activity

(have a player read aloud)

Benjamin’s favorite baseball player – a star pitcher– has been arrested for assaulting his wife. Benjamin seems upset and comments, “Well, I hope they don’t bench him. They keep going after the best guys.  My friend Lance says that this stuff is almost never true.”


(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  • What is your initial reaction to this scenario?
  • What would you say to Benjamin?
  • How do you think this news affects Benjamin’s perceptions of the consequences of one’s actions?

Close Out Questions

(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  •   What was the most impactful thing you learned in the last 12 weeks?
  •   Is there anything that you’ve learned that you have applied in your life?
  •   How are you going to spread this knowledge to others?

Program Wrap up and Takeaways

  •   Sports have been a platform for advancing positive change in the world for decades. For example, sports has helped our country break down barriers of segregation and racism; it can bring societies and countries together in times of war, providing inspiration and optimism, when people need it most. Today, you are being called upon to address a major societal and generational problem: ending violence against women.
  •   As we close our last session, remember: A professional baseball player is in the national spotlight, not only as an athlete, but also as a person.
  •   As a Giant, you represent this entire organization and you are a public figure. Think of ways that you can use your spotlight in a positive way to promote respect and equity – teamwork, responsibility, integrity, non-violence.
  •   Each of you is part of something special on this team. Your commitment is a responsibility – defend it and share it.
  •   Model respectful behavior towards everyone, including women and girls, in your language and your actions. Always remember that your family and fans are watching you, listening to you, and learning from your actions and words.

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Session 11

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