
By the end of this session, players will be able to:

  •   Recognize that the actions they take online and on their cell phone have real consequences.
  •   Refuse to participate in abusive or controlling behavior including sending repeated and unwanted text messages, violating someone’s privacy, or pressuring someone for naked, private, or embarrassing pictures.
  •   Create safe and respectful online spaces for themselves and others.

Talking Points for the Session

  • It is NEVER ok to share someone else’s private photographs or videos without their consent.
  • Threatening to use someone’s private photographs or videos as retribution for feeling “wronged” is a form of intimidation. This type of behavior is considered psychological and/or emotional abuse.
  • It is NEVER okay to pressure someone for a nude or private picture. It’s also wrong to share these pictures with other people.
  • Always be careful what you share online and with others, whether it’s lewd or disrespectful comments about others on social media, or texting private photographs with someone. Once something is sent or posted it can have unforeseen consequences that might affect your career or in some cases criminal charges.
  • (Talking Point for Scenario) Communication is key! Sally is upset that you don’t want to be more serious, but you and Sally are having trouble communicating your needs. Take Sally outside to have a more level headed conversation. Having this conversation, however difficult, can help you both make informed and healthy decisions.

Debate Activity

Break up the players into two teams. Let them know they are going to have a debate. Have each team come up with a list their arguments in favor of their team. Give them the following prompt, one side argues “pros” and the other “cons”:

What are the pros and cons of the web and social media?

Break up the players into two teams. Let them know they are going to have a debate. Have each team come up with a list their arguments in favor of their team. Give them the following prompt, one side argues “pros” and the other “cons”:

Debrief Questions:

  •   What do you think about the different arguments? Is one more right than the other?
  •   What points do you agree with the most?
  •   Which points do you disagree with the most?
  •   What are some ways you could use the web and social irresponsibly?
  •   If there are pros and cons to using the web and social media, which guidelines do you use to be a responsible user?

Scenario Activity

Scenario: (have a player read aloud)

You met Sally six months ago on a big vacation you took for your birthday. You’ve been hooking up ever since, and now that the season is underway and you’re on the road a lot. Sally asks you to send her some naked pictures. You’re concerned and slightly uncomfortable – you don’t know if this could become a problem, but you send them anyway. One Friday night, you go to a party where you planned to meet up with Sally. Sally doesn’t arrive until much later, and she notices that you are hanging out and flirting with another woman. When Sally pulls you aside and asks why you are flirting with another woman, you tell her that she’s late and remind her that you two are just hooking up and that you don’t want to be “tied down” right now. Sally is visibly upset. She then threatens to send around your naked pictures and post them online too. “That way, everyone will know what a dirt bag you are.”

Debrief: (you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  • How would you feel in this situation? What are you most afraid of?
  • How would you respond to this situation in a respectful way?
  • What would you say to Sally?
  • Pretend the roles were reversed, how would Sally feel?
  • What is the lesson to be learned in this scenario?

Wrap up and Takeaways

  •   Pressure, control, or threats are never Ok, whether online or not.
  •   Sharing nude photos or compromising photos can be dangerous, especially as professional athletes.
  •   What you say and do online is a reflection of you, the organization, your family and your teammates. Media and reporters start following you the day you sign.

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