
By the end of this session, players will be able to:

  •   Use tools for managing conflict in a healthy and respectful way.
  •   Reject the use of pressure or intimidation in their relationships and friendships.
  •   Refer back to tools on how to monitor aggression and determine when it crosses the line.
  •   Refuse to become abusive or violent in their relationships.

Talking Points for the Session

  • You all gave good examples of strategies that can be effective to maintain a healthy relationship. You already know what works for you! What works for some people doesn’t work for others, so it’s important to keep on discovering the strategies that are effective for you.
  • Facilitator can share some strategies that have worked for them and give examples on how they have used them.
  • Facilitators can also answer the question and model how they continue to learn.
  • All relationships have issues and disagreements, and that’s natural. Conversation about finances and money can be especially difficult. Talking to the other person directly and respectfully about what’s bothering you and what’s bothering them can help you come to a mutual understanding.
  • All relationships have conflicts. The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful relationship is how the partners deal with conflict. It is OK to disagree, but it’s never OK to be disrespectful, abusive, or violent.
  • It’s important to hold yourself and each other accountable for disrespectful and unlawful behaviors that reflect poorly on the individual – particularly as a world class athlete – and the team overall.

Healthy Strategies for Problem Solving Activity

  •   Divide players in groups of three and ask them to share some of their favorite or most surprising healthy strategies for dealing with relationship problems that they’ve learned.
  •   Ask each player to offer at least one strategy. One of the players should write them down.
  •   Once they are finished use the debrief questions below to engage in conversation.


(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  • Have someone from each team share what they learned?
  • Which strategies stood out for you and why?
  • Would anyone like to share a personal experience when you used one of these strategies?
  • Would anyone like to share a personal experience where you wish you had better tools for addressing conflict?
  • Is there a new strategy you just heard about that you want to try in the future? Which one and why?

Wrap up and Takeaways

  •   Refuse to use violence, disrespectful language, or emotional abuse to address conflicts.
  •   All relationships have conflict. Remember to PAUSE and listen before reacting.
  •   Take a walk or remove yourself from the situation to calm down if things get heated.

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