
By the end of this session, players will be able to:

  •   Recognize that language can be harmful in unexpected ways.
  •   Refuse to use language that degrades others.
  •   Adapt their language to show respect for others.
  •   Define and understand the difference between name calling, harassment, and catcalling.

Talking Points for the Session:

  • We all know that using disrespectful language can hurt someone. This can be name calling, harassing, or catcalling like we saw in the video.
  • We must acknowledge women’s experiences – even when we might not agree or think it’s right. We have a responsibility to talk through their concerns with respect.
  • Sometimes we say things that we don’t realize can be hurtful or threatening, or think it is just a joke or innocent flirting. Even if someone laughs it off, most people don’t like unwanted comments about their body, clothing, or appearance.
  • Using language to insult one another, such as “playing like a girl,” “gay,” or referring to a group of men as “ladies” are insulting and hurtful to women and  LGBT people.
  • Instead of taunting or mocking, help your teammates by providing positive suggestions for how they can improve.
  • Language that is derogatory towards trans people, homophobic, women, people with disabilities, or targets other races, ethnicities, or identities, is disrespectful, harmful, unprofessional and inappropriate.

Discussion Questions:

(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  •   What is catcalling?
  •   What is harassment?
  •   What do you consider to be insulting language?

Video & Group Activity

Play the “Catcalling” video below, then break players into groups with the Video questions below.

Video Questions:

  • How do you think the woman feels?
  • Have you ever done this before? Why or why not?
  • How would you react if someone was yelling similar things to someone you care about?
  • What do you want to do about it?

Whole Group Debrief

(you can use a ball to toss to different players to answer the questions)

  • What could you do if you witness someone using demeaning language to insult someone else?
  • There are other ways you can use language to insult others. Do you think there is anything wrong about the phrases: “You’re playing like a girl!” or “That’s really gay!” Why or why not?
  • What would you do if you saw a teammate taunting a disabled person?
  • What would you do if you saw a teammate using insulting language about some’s race, ethnicity, or language ability?

Wrap up and Takeaways:

  •   Language matters. Words matter. Always use respectful language.
  •   Calling someone a “girl” or “gay” to insult or tease them is not okay.
  •   Think twice about saying something you wouldn’t like said about you or someone you care about.
  •   No matter what, everyone deserves to be respected and supported on our team.

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